Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Retail Research................

Good Morning All.

Well today & tomorrow I plan to make a few tweaks to the blog to make it a little more appealing to the eye as well as develop a selection of blog posts for you all to view for later this week. 

I have been trying to organise my design files on the computer hard drive so they are a little easier to find & came across some design pages I developed earlier in the year. I never ended up showing these at my workplace at the time due to other customer workload taking priority & it looks like my design thoughts are actually on trend at the moment !

For instance :

Back in Febuary I made a point of researching some of the very influencial retail stores including : ASOS / Topshop & River Island ! Now these guys turn products around so quickly & take key injection trends & get it instore well before other high street chains have even got a sample back from their overseas factories ! & that's why they do so well & sell so much stock !

 The design teams for these stores also take inspiration from the Catwalk collections for Autumn /  Winter (AW)  & Spring / Summer (SS) and then a few months later have their own inspired versions in store for us fashion conscious victims to buy ! The turn around is F.A.S.T !

So I do find it important to always research high street stores as well as designer of course & see if I notice anything in particular that is going to be in big demand for the following season !

& Firstly we have FUR TRIMS !!

Now the wording I have used on these boards wont make sense to some of you as I had orginally developed these for my outerwear freelance role but then never go round to presenting them ! Too busy as usual, silly me!

But as you can see FUR TRIMS where showing back in Feb of this year. Go to the stores today & you will notice FUR elements everywhere, not just in Outerwear garments !

These garments above are from mainly ASOS & the mac options is still available at Il2l. Again these images show how mixing different fabrics is the new big thing ! With Heritage themes showing through for Ladieswear, this is where the influences have originated from.

So are you looking for your next outerwear piece for this Winter ? Then the Quilted styles are very on trend & while these were visible in store at the beginning of the year they are EVERYWHERE now with lots of fun variations to the stylings & details used. So take your pick !


Also see below for one of my design development boards ! Now from this I have sketched up a selection of designs but of course I can't be showing you these as I would be giving all of my design thoughts away ! he he x

As a designer I get inspiration from all that surrounds me ! I do take inspiration from other garments , Taking elements from certain styles & altering to make my own design !

Over the next few weeks I plan to do a little bit more researching into the main high street stores to see what else is out there so stay tuned for more design boards x & maybe one or two of my design sketches for you to view ! ( you can see past season CADS in the tab rrf : Porfolio )

Now as I have mentioned above these boards where done back Feb so the majority of these jackets won't be in store anymore. Do have a look though at their current collections as there are some great outerwear pieces available this Winter !

Do you like ?!